LFT Test

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Liver Function Test in Morciano di Romagna

Poliambulatorio Exis - Centro Medico Fisioterapico e Riabilitativo

Via Roma, 7, 47833 Morciano di Romagna RN, Italia


Opening Hours
07:30 – 21:00
07:30 – 21:00
07:30 – 21:00
07:30 – 21:00
07:30 – 21:00
07:30 – 13:30

LFT Test Poliambulatorio Exis - Centro Medico Fisioterapico e Riabilitativo

Get a Liver Function Test in Morciano di Romagna with Poliambulatorio Exis - Centro Medico Fisioterapico e Riabilitativo.

Find out about the cost and other information on this page and contact Poliambulatorio Exis - Centro Medico Fisioterapico e Riabilitativo directly to book an LFT Test.

La Gastroenterologia tratta lo studio, la diagnosi e la cura delle patologie dell’apparato digerente, stomaco e intestino. Il medico Gastroenterologo indaga le patologie che riguardano e coinvolgono esofago, stomaco, fegato, vie biliari, pancreas, intestino, colon e retto; infatti, ci si può rivolge allo specialista sia per una semplice influenza intestinale, che per situazioni più delicate, come reflusso gastro-esofageo, ulcere o gastrite. Attraverso la visita specialistica, il gastroenterologo, approfondisce le abitudini alimentari e le indagini diagnostiche, effettuando una diagnosi approfondita dei disturbi dell’apparato, indicandone cura e terapia. Tra le patologie più comuni per le quali è richiesta tale visita ci sono anche: Ernia iatale, Helicobacter Phylori, Celiachia, Sindrome da Colon Irritabile, Meteorismo, Stitichezza, Diarrea e Tumori del tratto digestivo. É possibile richiedere: Visita Gastroenterologica Visita Gastroenterologica di controllo

Common conditions covered by a Liver Function Test

Hepatitis C Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Alcoholic hepatitis Cirrhosis Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP)

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Liver Function Test FAQs

If you are undergoing long-term therapy for chronic disease or acute hepatic infection or have experienced jaundice, nausea and vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, dark-coloured urine, pale stool, or fatigue, then LFTs are important.

The results either report elevation or demotion of enzymes/proteins in the liver. The doctor must carefully differentially diagnose your condition according to enzyme levels and aid in drug therapy selection.

A Liver Function Test in Italy costs on average 65 Euros. (information based on our data as of September 2022)

Read more on LFT Test

LFT Test - what is it and how the test is done

The liver is the body's largest organ, next only to the skin. The liver has several vital functions to perform. It stores energy from the food, processes it, and even synthesizes several other prod...

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These details have been last updated on 11/10/22