Pharmacy Antigen Test

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A Antigen Test costs €15.00

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Rapid Covid Test in Rome - Roma

Farmacia Fabio Massimo

Via Fabio Massimo, 78, 00192 Roma RM, Italia


Opening Hours
08:30 – 20:00
08:30 – 20:00
08:30 – 20:00
08:30 – 20:00
08:30 – 20:00
08:30 – 20:00
10:00 – 20:00

Antigen Test Farmacia Fabio Massimo

Get a Rapid Covid Test (Lateral Flow Test) in Rome - Roma with Farmacia Fabio Massimo to check for an infection from COVID-19 (Coronavirus). If you're travelling, the results are usually valid for up to 48 hours for Rapid Antigen tests and up to 72 hours for PCR tests.

Find out about the cost and other information on this page and contact Farmacia Fabio Massimo directly to book an Antigen Test.

Effettuiamo test Antigenici di Ultima Generazione (COI) e tamponi rapidi classici Risultato anche in lingua inglese Risultato valido come Green Pass Prenotazione richiesta
Farmacia Fabio Massimo
We issue the EU Digital COVID Certificate (valid in the EU) or Report in English (for travel to non-EU countries). We are in the Prati neighborhood, on via Fabio Massimo, between via Cola di Rienzo and Viale Giulio Cesare, near the subway line A (stops: Lepanto, Ottaviano). To book the test go to: Siamo una Farmacia in Prati, tra via Cola Di Rienzi e Viale Giulio Cesare (metro A Lepanto e Ottaviano). Offriamo la possibilità di ricevere i referti dei nostri test anche in lingua inglese, senza costi aggiuntivi. Al paziente viene offerta la possibilità di scegliere la tipologia di referto desiderata tra il "classico" in Italiano su carta intestata della Regione Lazio, il Green Pass Europeo con QR Code (EU Digital COVID Certificate, valido per eventi o viaggi in UE) e il Referto in Inglese (per viaggi verso paesi Extra-UE). Consigliamo di scegliere come referto il EU Digital COVID Certificate a chi deve viaggiare (specialmente per voli internazionali all’interno dell’UE) o partecipare ad eventi come concerti, matrimoni, manifestazioni sportive, ecc. Per viaggi verso paesi Extra-UE è preferibile optare per il Referto in lingua Inglese in quanto, attualmente, alcuni stati potrebbero non riconoscere il EU Digital COVID Certificate. Il referto in inglese non ha costi aggiuntivi. Per prenotare un test collegati al nostro sito all'indirizzo:

Common conditions covered by a Lateral Flow Test

COVID-19 Influenza SARS-CoV-2 Sore throat Fever

Antigen Test testing locations nearby

Rapid Covid Test FAQs

Unlike PCR tests that require sending swabs to a specialised laboratory, the rapid tests (also called antigens) can return results without being sent to a specialised structure. Some tests provide results even while waiting in less than fifteen minutes. These tests are also known as lateral flow method or fluorescence.

As for the cost of other medical services, prices for a quick test private Coronavirus may vary from place to place. In some cases, the price is adjusted by the regions in which the structure performs the test. On average, the cost you can get around 20 € - 30 €. At we try to provide cost information for test centres included on our platform.

The lateral flow test for Covid-19 is a swab test in which the swab is swept across the back of a person's nose and throat. The swab is then placed into a liquid tube, after which a sample of this liquid is deposited on a small absorbent pad contained within the disposable testing kit.

Read more on Antigen Test

Antigen Test - what is it and how the test is done

With the increased risk of every other person developing the COVID-19 virus due to its increased prevalence, testing for Coronavirus has become the new normal. Thankfully, self-testing kits have...

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These details have been last updated on 20/10/22