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Rapid Covid Test in Monserrato

Istituto Clinico San Siro

Via San Gavino Monreale, 18, 09042 Monserrato CA, Italia


Opening Hours
Aperto 24 ore su 24
Aperto 24 ore su 24
Aperto 24 ore su 24
Aperto 24 ore su 24
Aperto 24 ore su 24
Aperto 24 ore su 24
Aperto 24 ore su 24

Antigen Test Istituto Clinico San Siro

Get a Rapid Covid Test (Lateral Flow Test) in Monserrato with Istituto Clinico San Siro to check for an infection from COVID-19 (Coronavirus). If you're travelling, the results are usually valid for up to 48 hours for Rapid Antigen tests and up to 72 hours for PCR tests.

Find out about the cost and other information on this page and contact Istituto Clinico San Siro directly to book an Antigen Test.

L’Istituto Clinico San Siro ha iniziato la sua attività nel 1957, entrando a far parte del Gruppo San Donato nel 1989. Certificato secondo gli standard UNI EN ISO 9001 dal 2000, si è distinto, nel corso degli anni, per la sua vocazione ortopedico-riabilitativa. L’Unità Operativa di Riabilitazione intensiva, dotata di un nuovo e moderno Servizio di Fisiochinesiterapia e una nuova area dedicata alla Macroattività Ambulatoriale Complessa (MAC), pone l'Istituto Clinico San Siro come punto di riferimento d'eccellenza nazionale, con oltre 1.300 interventi di ortopedia protesica, d’anca e di ginocchio.

Common conditions covered by a Lateral Flow Test

COVID-19 Influenza SARS-CoV-2 Sore throat Fever

Antigen Test testing locations nearby

Rapid Covid Test FAQs

Recently, the European Union has agreed to mutually recognise rapid antigen test/lateral flow tests.

If you want to do a private test, you can look for a laboratory or a pharmacy that offers this service. On we have over 6,000 centres throughout Italy offering different types of Covid-19 tests including Antigen tests.

The PCR test may take too much time for the results to be conclusive. A lateral antibody test is less costly, faster and more sensitive to identifying the covid19 virus. It has been important for hospital workers, frontline workers, and caregivers in times of covid19.

Read more on Antigen Test

Antigen Test - what is it and how the test is done

With the increased risk of every other person developing the COVID-19 virus due to its increased prevalence, testing for Coronavirus has become the new normal. Thankfully, self-testing kits have...

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These details have been last updated on 11/10/22