Paternity Test

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DNA Paternity Test in Porto Tolle

Laboratorio Analisi Cliniche Girlando e Paravizzini

Viale Giuseppe Di Vittorio, 10, 45018 Porto Tolle RO, Italia


Opening Hours
07:00 – 16:00
07:00 – 16:00
07:00 – 16:00
07:00 – 16:00
07:00 – 16:00
07:00 – 11:00

Paternity Test Laboratorio Analisi Cliniche Girlando e Paravizzini

Get a DNA Paternity Test in Porto Tolle with Laboratorio Analisi Cliniche Girlando e Paravizzini.

Find out about the cost and other information on this page and contact Laboratorio Analisi Cliniche Girlando e Paravizzini directly to book a Paternity Test .

Il test di Paternità consiste nella tipizzazione di 15 regioni del DNA altamente polimorfiche e variabili da individuo ad individuo per la determinazione del profilo genetico. Il test si esegue da un campione di sangue o da un tampone buccale. Il test effettuato con strumenti e metodiche all’avanguardia consente di ottenere una probabilità di paternità pari al 99,99%.

Common conditions covered by a DNA Paternity Test

Cancer Determine fatherhood Genetic cystic fibrosis Genetic coronary heart disease Genetic obesity

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DNA Paternity Test FAQs

DNA paternity testing checks specific sections of the genetic code of the mother. The possible father and child are compared with the mother's DNA sequence to determine whether the possible father is the child's biological father.

This test is based on obtaining a blood sample or a cheek swab. Either of these samples is taken from the suspected son and the father and then sent to a lab. The lab works on finding identical genetic sequences in the DNA of both individuals. If a pattern is found, then the relationship is established. The test takes up to 5 days to provide results.

The test has high accuracy, and identification is easily possible if the sample is collected sufficient and timely.

Read more on Paternity Test

Paternity Test - what is it and how the test is done

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These details have been last updated on 11/10/22