Male Checkup

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A Male Checkup costs €97.00

+39 0521 985454

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Health checks for men in Parma

Gemini Srl - Poliambulatorio a Parma

Piazza Sisto Rosa Badalocchio, 3, 43126 Parma PR, Italia


Opening Hours
08:00 – 20:00
08:00 – 20:00
08:00 – 20:00
08:00 – 20:00
08:00 – 20:00
08:00 – 13:00

Male Checkup Gemini Srl - Poliambulatorio a Parma

Get a Health checks for men (Health screenings for men) in Parma with Gemini Srl - Poliambulatorio a Parma.

Find out about the cost and other information on this page and contact Gemini Srl - Poliambulatorio a Parma directly to book a Male Checkup.

Studiato per gli uomini entrati in età matura, il Pacchetto analisi cliniche Check Up Uomo consente la più ampia panoramica dei fattori di rischio maschili over 40. La prevenzione di oggi è la salute di domani. Le analisi si eseguono tutti i giorni dalle 8.00 alle 11.00, a digiuno. Tempi di consegna dei referti: 3 giorni. Il pacchetto comprende i seguenti esami di laboratorio: Emocromo completo VES Proteina C Reattiva Glicemia Azotemia Creatinina Uricemia Transaminasi (GOT, GPT) Gamma GT Colesterolo Totale Colesterolo HDL Colesterolo LDL Trigliceridi Sodio Potassio Elettroforesi Proteica Proteine Totali PSA TSH

Common conditions covered by a Health screenings for men

Diabetes Cancer Cardiovascular disease Depression Colon cancer Hypertention Abdominal aortic aneurysm

Male Checkup testing locations nearby

Health checks for men FAQs

Men lead stressed lives and are less likely to seek help and ignore symptoms. Therefore, men require comprehensive mental and physical checkups from time to time as they age.

Men are more predisposed to developing coronary artery disease due to increasing smoking. Moreover, estrogen in women may offer protection against atherosclerosis.

These checkups can better highlight the overall health of a male and can adjust treatment accordingly.

Read more on Male Checkup

Male Checkup - what is it and how the test is done

Men and women need to get checked regularly to evaluate their health status. As with women, men also tend to undergo several bodily changes throughout their life. They also become predisposed to de...

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These details have been last updated on 11/10/22