Microbiome Test

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Gut Microbiome Test in Canosa di Puglia

Centro Analisi Cliniche Vitale

Via John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 37, 76012 Canosa di Puglia BT, Italia


Opening Hours
07:30 – 13:15
16:00 – 18:00
07:30 – 13:15
16:00 – 18:00
07:30 – 13:15
16:00 – 18:00
07:30 – 13:15
16:00 – 18:00
07:30 – 13:15
16:00 – 18:00
08:00 – 13:15

Microbiome Test Centro Analisi Cliniche Vitale

Get a Gut Microbiome Test (Intestinal Microbiome Test) in Canosa di Puglia with Centro Analisi Cliniche Vitale.

Find out about the cost and other information on this page and contact Centro Analisi Cliniche Vitale directly to book a Microbiome Test.

E' un Laboratorio di base, specializzato in analisi chimico-cliniche e settori specialistici di Biochimica clinica, Tossicologia, Microbiologia e Sieroimmunologia.

Common conditions covered by an Intestinal Microbiome Test

Celiac disease Autoimmune diseases Inflammatory bowel disease Gastritis Chronic vomiting Unintentional weight loss

Microbiome Test testing locations nearby

Gut Microbiome Test FAQs

A microbiome test examines the bacterial flora in a sample of an individual's stool. Identifying these bacteria is essential to check for nutritional imbalances and other digestive chronic diseases.

These provide insight into gut bacteria.

People who have chronic conditions can get tested for the microbiome. It is not necessary to have digestive issues to test the microbiome.

Read more on Microbiome Test

Microbiome Test - what is it and how the test is done

Our gut is an efficient and intelligent part of the body that knows its job too well. Along with its working mechanism, it is also assisted by several bacteria and microorganisms that are a normal...

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These details have been last updated on 11/10/22