Pap Smear

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A Pap Smear costs €80.00

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Pap Test in Ispica

Laboratorio Analisi Baiata

Via Luigi Capuana, 1, 97014 Ispica RG, Italia


Opening Hours
07:30 – 19:00
07:30 – 19:00
07:30 – 19:00
07:30 – 19:00
07:30 – 19:00
07:30 – 13:00

Pap Smear Laboratorio Analisi Baiata

Get a Pap Test (HPV Test) in Ispica with Laboratorio Analisi Baiata.

Find out about the cost and other information on this page and contact Laboratorio Analisi Baiata directly to book a Pap Smear.

Del gruppo del papilloma virus (HPV) fanno parte più di 100 virus e, per i virus considerati ad alto rischio patogeno per l’uomo vi sono i vaccini. I virus si trasmettono per via sessuale e non causano di solito lesioni visibili, ma infezioni persistenti alla base dei principali casi di tumore cervicale e sono associati ad altri tumori meno frequenti, come quelli vaginali, alla bocca e alla gola (incluse base della lingua e tonsille), al pene e all’ano. Si effettua questo esame per verificare la presenza di infezione da HPV ad alto rischio associato a tumore cervicale o come test di follow-up dopo un risultato anomalo del pap test. Inoltre, la ricerca dell’HPV può essere eseguita anche sul liquido seminale e nell’uretra attraverso l’uso di un tampone.

Common conditions covered by an HPV Test

Anogenital warts Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis Anogenital cancers Oropharyngeal cancers Cervical squamous cell carcinoma Oral focal epithelial hyperplasia

Pap Smear testing locations nearby

Pap Test FAQs

Pap smear testing is available, and it involves collecting a sample of cervical cells with a brush. The cells are further processed and checked under a microscope for evaluation.

There are only preventive measures available currently. HPV is vaccine-preventable.

An HPV Test in Italy costs on average 90 Euros. (information based on our data as of September 2022)

Read more on Pap Smear

Pap Smear - what is it and how the test is done

HPV (Human papillomavirus ) is transmitted through sexual intercourse and causes nearly 100% of cancers of the cervix in women. It is estimated that 1 in 2 women will contract the virus in their li...

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These details have been last updated on 11/10/22