HIV Test

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A HIV Test costs €16.00

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Rapid HIV Test in Ispica

Laboratorio Analisi Baiata

Via Luigi Capuana, 1, 97014 Ispica RG, Italia


Opening Hours
07:30 – 19:00
07:30 – 19:00
07:30 – 19:00
07:30 – 19:00
07:30 – 19:00
07:30 – 13:00

HIV Test Laboratorio Analisi Baiata

Get a Rapid HIV Test in Ispica with Laboratorio Analisi Baiata.

Find out about the cost and other information on this page and contact Laboratorio Analisi Baiata directly to book an HIV Test.

Il virus da immunodeficienza umana, conosciuto come HIV, causa l’AIDS infettando e danneggiando parte delle difese del corpo contro le aggressioni esterne, i linfociti, in particolare, che sono un particolare tipo di globuli bianchi che nel sistema immunitario hanno il compito di scacciare i batteri e virus invasori. L’HIV può essere trasmesso attraverso il diretto contatto con il sangue o con i liquidi del corpo di qualcuno che è stato infettato dall’HIV, il contatto di solito avviene scambiandosi aghi o avendo rapporti sessuali non protetti con una persona infetta. Questo esame va a ricercare gli anticorpi anti-HIV specifici prodotti dal sistema immunitario della persona infetta in risposta all’infezione.

Common conditions covered by a Rapid HIV Test

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) Asymptomatic HIV Dyspnea Late-stage HIV infection

HIV Test testing locations nearby

Rapid HIV Test FAQs

The average time for antibodies to develop is three to four weeks; this is essential to get a checkup as most HIV tests check for antibody levels.

If you test positive, you should talk to your doctor about it. The test itself means that you are carrying the virus that can cause AIDS, and you can infect others. You should begin an HIV management plan and take precautions to avoid spreading the virus.

A HIV Test in Italy costs on average 35 Euros. (information based on our data as of September 2022)

Read more on HIV Test

HIV Test - what is it and how the test is done

The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus that is feared all over the world. The main reason is its incurable course and the fact that once it occurs, there is no going back. HIV is al...

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These details have been last updated on 11/10/22