Pharmacy Hearing Test

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Hearing Test in Florence - Firenze

Farmacia Donatello

Via degli Artisti, 1, 50132 Firenze FI, Italia


Opening Hours
09:00 – 20:00
09:00 – 20:00
09:00 – 20:00
09:00 – 20:00
09:00 – 20:00
09:00 – 13:00
16:00 – 20:00

Hearing Test Farmacia Donatello

Get a Hearing Test in Florence - Firenze with Farmacia Donatello.

Find out about the cost and other information on this page and contact Farmacia Donatello directly to book a Hearing Test.

Controllo dell’Udito Riuscire a vivere sereni e sentirsi bene sono priorità per tutti noi, traguardi che partono anche dal sentire bene: poter dialogare liberamente con i nostri cari e condividere con gli altri le emozioni di ogni giorno, sono piaceri irrinunciabili. Presso la Farmacia Donatello di Firenze è possibile effettuare il test per il Controllo dell’Udito in modo assolutamente rapido e indolore. Per maggiori informazioni è possibile contattare la farmacia allo 055 583255 oppure inviando una richiesta tramite l’apposito form.

Common conditions covered by a Hearing Test

Hearing loss Allergies Common Cold Ear infections Impacted earwax

Hearing Test testing locations nearby

Hearing Test FAQs

A tiny gadget is inserted into your ear to detect fluid behind your eardrum.

Yes, the above three tests are for adults. Newborn and children's hearing tests are different.

If you give birth in a hospital, your baby may receive a newborn checkup before you are discharged. However, a healthcare practitioner will do it within the initial weeks. The test is best performed within the first four to five weeks of life, but it can be performed as early as three months.

Read more on Hearing Test

Hearing Test - what is it and how the test is done

Do you often ask people to repeat whatever they just said? If that happens quite often, you might have to go for a hearing test. There is a possibility that you are missing some sounds which you ar...

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These details have been last updated on 12/10/22