Gluten Intolerance Test

A Gluten Intolerance Test costs €90.00

+39 080 531 5255

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Gluten Allergy Test in Bari

Centro Analisi Cliniche San Paolo

Piazza Europa, 70132 Bari BA, Italia


Opening Hours
07:00 – 13:00
16:00 – 18:00
07:00 – 13:00
16:00 – 18:00
07:00 – 13:00
16:00 – 18:00
07:00 – 13:00
16:00 – 18:00
07:00 – 13:30
16:00 – 18:00
08:00 – 12:00

Gluten Intolerance Test Centro Analisi Cliniche San Paolo

Get a Gluten Allergy Test (Gluten Sensitivity Test) in Bari with Centro Analisi Cliniche San Paolo.

Find out about the cost and other information on this page and contact Centro Analisi Cliniche San Paolo directly to book a Gluten Intolerance Test.

Il pacchetto comprende esami per monitorare eventuale intolleranza al glutine. L’esame viene effettuato tramite prelievo ematico Test eseguito su un piccolo prelievo ematico Utile per verificare eventuale intolleranza al glutine Si esegue dal lunedì al sabato Risultato: 7 g g Esami Anticorpi Anti Transglutaminasi IgG – IgA Anticorpi Anti Gliadina deamidata IgG – IgA Anticorpi Anti Endomisio IgG – IgA Preparazione Come presentarsi all’esame: portare tessera sanitaria (tessera plastificata azzurra); Orari Tutti i giorni negli orari di prelievo Ritiro Referti I referti sono ritirabili di persona o , a seguito di specifica autorizzazione, è possibile riceverli per e-mail. Prenotazione Per effettuare la prenotazione compilare la scheda in basso in ogni campo e premere “invia”. Il personale del Laboratorio chiamerà o invierà una e-mail per conferma. In alternativa può utilizzare i recapiti più in basso a destra.

Common conditions covered by a Gluten Sensitivity Test

Celiac disease Gluten-sensitive enteropathy Non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) Wheat or grain allergy Gluten ataxia Dermatitis herpetiformis (DH)

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Gluten Allergy Test FAQs

Gluten sensitivity is a reaction that occurs in the body after ingesting gluten in food sources such as wheat, barley and rye.

Blood sample testing kits are available in different brands. The kit instructions must be followed and may vary between manufacturers.

The most common symptoms of gluten insensitivity are diarrhoea, weight loss, fatigue, and gas.

Read more on Gluten Intolerance Test

Gluten Intolerance Test - what is it and how the test is done

In a very literal sense, we are what we eat. Our body reacts according to what we eat by incorporating the healthy components of that food item in our body. However, many of us are not as receptive...

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