Pharmacy Food Sensitivity Test

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Food Allergy Test in Mirandola

Farmacia del Borghetto

Via Punta, 1, 41037 Mirandola MO, Italia


Opening Hours
08:30 – 13:00
15:00 – 19:30
08:30 – 13:00
15:00 – 19:30
08:30 – 13:00
15:00 – 19:30
08:30 – 13:00
15:00 – 19:30
08:30 – 13:00
15:00 – 19:30
08:30 – 13:00
15:30 – 19:30

Food Sensitivity Test Farmacia del Borghetto

Get a Food Allergy Test (Food Intolerance Test) in Mirandola with Farmacia del Borghetto.

Find out about the cost and other information on this page and contact Farmacia del Borghetto directly to book a Food Sensitivity Test.

Servizi in farmacia Fitoterapia Pratica che prevede l’utilizzo di piante o estratti di piante per la cura delle malattie o per il mantenimento del benessere psicofisico. Le piante sono fra le principali fornitrici di sostanze medicamentose. Vanno considerate veri e propri produttori e contenitori dinamici di sostanze chimiche che hanno

Common conditions covered by a Food Intolerance Test

Lactose intolerance Histamine intolerant Gluten sensitivity Salicylate intolerance FODMAP intolerance Sulfite sensitivity

Food Sensitivity Test testing locations nearby

Food Allergy Test FAQs

Lack of a particular enzyme that is inherited, induced by stress or illness, an impaired immune system, and environmental pollution are the proposed mechanisms by which food tolerance can occur. A person can be intolerant to lactose, gluten, and casein.

Fingerpick blood sample is collected via a kit-based method. The kit methods help identify mild, moderate or severe intolerances in the body.

Currently, prevention is possible by avoiding the offending food or reducing the number of foods eaten that are high in the specific ingredient. No drug treatment will cure food intolerance, and drugs only resolve symptoms.

Read more on Food Sensitivity Test

Food Sensitivity Test - what is it and how the test is done

You might be a food lover and love trying different cuisines, but what if your body thinks along another track? Just like some of us are allergic to various substances, it is also completely natura...

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These details have been last updated on 11/10/22