Diabetes Test


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Test at-Home / Self-testing

innovabiohealth S.r.l.

This is an At Home Test service that can be carried out at a time and a location most convenient to you. Please read the details below for information on how the test can be carried out online and if a kit needs to be collected or delivered to you.

Diabetes Test innovabiohealth S.r.l.

Find out about the cost and other information on this page and contact innovabiohealth S.r.l. directly to book a Diabetes Test.

Raccogli a casa un campione di sangue capillare ed ottieni il dosaggio in laboratorio dell'emoglobina glicata o glicosilata (HbA1c) ed una valutazione complessiva individuale. Questo test consente di conoscere i livelli di glucosio degli ultimi 90 giorni, sospettare la presenza di prediabete o diabete oppure monitorare il controllo della malattia. Il test può essere eseguito a partire da campioni raccolti autonomamente ed in modo semplice nella privacy della propria abitazione. E' possibile attivare un consulto online con un medico specialista, ottenere la prescrizione dei farmaci indicati, se necessario, ed eventualmente ricevere anche i farmaci a domicilio.
innovabiohealth S.r.l.

innovabiohealth S.r.l. rende disponibili soluzioni di digital healthcare e di telemedicina.

Ha sviluppato e gestisce il portale testinclick™ (www.testinclick.com) per l’esecuzione di esami di diagnostica di laboratorio con autoprelievo a domicilio.

Common conditions covered by a Diabetes Blood Test

Diabetes Prediabetes Gestational diabetes Type 1 diabetes Cystic fibrosis-related diabetes Type 2 diabetes Severe Autoimmune Diabetes (SAID) Severe Insulin-Deficient Diabetes (SIDD) Mild Obesity-Related Diabetes (MOD) Mild Age-Related Diabetes (MARD)

Hemoglobin Test FAQs

A simple finger-prick blood strip test through a glucometer will determine blood sugar levels. However, this should be done when fasting Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS) and after meals Random Blood glucose (RBS) to maintain a record. Moreover, a blood sample can be sent to the laboratory every six months for Hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C) Levels assessment.

The above tests provide information on how many insulin units a person would require and drug therapy decisions for an individual. These help to determine if a person has impaired blood sugar or full-blown diabetes.

A Diabetes Tests in Italy costs on average 35 Euros. (information based on our data as of September 2022)

Read more on Diabetes Test

Diabetes Test - what is it and how the test is done

Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic condition that affects several men and women worldwide. It is also called a ‘silent killer’ because, in many people, it remains asymptomatic until the dam...

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test prediabete e diabete con autoprelievo

innovabiohealth S.r.l.


€33.25 with our promocode

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These details have been last updated on 08/07/22