Diabetes Test

A Diabetes Test costs €30.00

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Hemoglobin Test in Sora

Centro S.T.S.

Via Giuseppe Ferri, 6, 03039 Sora FR, Italia


Diabetes Test Centro S.T.S.

Get a Hemoglobin Test (Diabetes Blood Test) in Sora with Centro S.T.S..

Find out about the cost and other information on this page and contact Centro S.T.S. directly to book a Diabetes Test.

Glicemia, Emoglobina Glicosilata, Insulina, Esame urine.
Centro S.T.S.
Centro Polispecialistico Day Surgery e Laboratorio Analisi

Common conditions covered by a Diabetes Blood Test

Diabetes Prediabetes Gestational diabetes Type 1 diabetes Cystic fibrosis-related diabetes Type 2 diabetes Severe Autoimmune Diabetes (SAID) Severe Insulin-Deficient Diabetes (SIDD) Mild Obesity-Related Diabetes (MOD) Mild Age-Related Diabetes (MARD)

Diabetes Test testing locations nearby

Hemoglobin Test FAQs

Diabetes type II is often asymptomatic; the metabolic imbalance occurs as it follows a chronic course.

A simple finger-prick blood strip test through a glucometer will determine blood sugar levels. However, this should be done when fasting Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS) and after meals Random Blood glucose (RBS) to maintain a record. Moreover, a blood sample can be sent to the laboratory every six months for Hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C) Levels assessment.

The above tests provide information on how many insulin units a person would require and drug therapy decisions for an individual. These help to determine if a person has impaired blood sugar or full-blown diabetes.

Read more on Diabetes Test

Diabetes Test - what is it and how the test is done

Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic condition that affects several men and women worldwide. It is also called a ‘silent killer’ because, in many people, it remains asymptomatic until the dam...

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