Pharmacy Cholesterol Test

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LDL Test in Rome - Roma

Farmacia del Parco

Via Ugo Ojetti, 450, 00137 Roma RM, Italia


Opening Hours
08:00 – 20:30
08:00 – 20:30
08:00 – 20:30
08:00 – 20:30
08:00 – 20:30
08:30 – 20:30
09:00 – 13:30

Cholesterol Test Farmacia del Parco

Get an LDL Test (HDL test) in Rome - Roma with Farmacia del Parco.

Find out about the cost and other information on this page and contact Farmacia del Parco directly to book a Cholesterol Test.

Presso la Farmacia Scarnò è possibile effettuare una prova gratuita della capacità uditiva. E’ una sana abitudine effettuare periodicamente un controllo audiometrico, tenendo così sotto controllo il proprio udito. Il test sarà rapido, indolore e assolutamente non invasivo e verrà eseguito da un operatore specializzato, che vi seguirà dandovi immediatamente il risultato dell’esame effettuato.

Common conditions covered by an HDL test

High Blood Pressure Diabetes Coronary Heart Disease Stroke Peripheral Vascular Disease Erectile Dysfunction

Cholesterol Test testing locations nearby


Cholesterol is a common lipid/ fat substance that our body synthesizes and stores in varying densities. An average level of cholesterol is essential for healthy body functioning. However, excess cholesterol is a normal finding upon a blood test, often raised abnormally.

The lipid profile test is a selection of tests that assess the patient for diseases like coronary heart disease or as a preventive measure to check any risks depending on factors like eating habits, diet, stress, exercise and lifestyle related. This test may be ordered when a patient reports signs and symptoms of dyslipidemia.

People who have deranged lipid profiles have multiple chronic conditions altogether. The management of cholesterol levels by proper therapy can help the overall health of the person and can significantly better treatment outcomes.

Read more on Cholesterol Test

Cholesterol Test - what is it and how the test is done

Our body requires its fair share of carbohydrates, proteins, and fat to work properly. Each nutrient has its separate importance and works to provide the body with its required set of energy to wor...

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These details have been last updated on 11/10/22