Cervical cancer testing in Rome - Roma

Find health labs to test for Cervical cancer in Rome - Roma and compare all offers by prices and services.

Tests that cover Cervical cancer

Women's Health Checkup
Health screenings for women by Laboratorio Analisi Cliniche CE.DI.M.

Viale Partenope, 18, 00177 Roma RM, Italia


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Health checks for women by Visconti Lab

Viale Giulio Cesare, 2, 00192 Roma RM, Italia


A Health checks for women costs €48.00

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Health screenings for women by Clinica Nuova Villa Claudia

Via Flaminia Nuova, 280, 00191 Roma RM, Italia


A Health checks for women costs €250.00

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Cervical cancer - symptoms and how to test

The development of malignant tumours in the cervix lining is called cervical cancer, which threatens all females. A higher incidence rate of cervical cancer is seen in younger women. In fact, women over 30 are adversely affected by cervical cancer. Cervical cancer can be prevented or detected early with the Pap test and the HPV test. The Pap test, often known as a Pap smear, screens for cervical precancers or abnormal changes in the cervix's cell composition, which might progress to full-blown cancer if left unchecked.