ECG Test

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Cardiovascular Test in Frosinone

Bianalisi - Poliambulatorio Geslan

Via Adige, 41, 03100 Frosinone FR, Italia


Opening Hours
07:30 – 13:00
15:00 – 19:30
07:30 – 13:00
15:00 – 19:30
07:30 – 13:00
15:00 – 19:30
07:30 – 13:00
15:00 – 19:30
07:30 – 13:00
15:00 – 19:30
07:30 – 13:00

ECG Test Bianalisi - Poliambulatorio Geslan

Get a Cardiovascular Test in Frosinone with Bianalisi - Poliambulatorio Geslan.

Find out about the cost and other information on this page and contact Bianalisi - Poliambulatorio Geslan directly to book an ECG Test.

L’Angiologia è la branca della Medicina che si occupa dello studio, della diagnosi e del trattamento delle patologie dell’apparato circolatorio, cioè il sistema sanguifero (cuore, arterie, vene, capillari) e del sistema linfatico. Visite ed esami Visita angiologica Terapia anticoagulante Terapia sclerosante EcoDoppler arti inferiori venoso EcoDoppler arti inferiori arterioso EcoDoppler arti superiori venoso EcoDoppler arti superiori arterioso EcoDoppler carotidi (TSA) EcoDoppler aorta addominale e arterie renali Scleroterapia delle teleangectasie venose Mesoterapia Quando rivolgersi all'Angiologo? La Visita angiologica viene prescritta quando è necessario diagnosticare e curare una patologia già manifesta o per prevenire eventuali complicazioni riguardanti la circolazione arteriosa e venosa (aneurisma, embolia, aterosclerosi, trombosi, dissecazione dell’aorta). Patologie curate dall'Angiologo Le patologie più comunemente correlate all'Angiologia sono: Insufficienza venosa cronica (IVC) Vene varicose Trombosi venosa profonda (TVP) Trombosi venosa superficiale (TVS) Teleangectasie Linfedema Ulcere vascolari Arteriopatia obliterante sclerotica delle Arterie degli Arti Inferiori (Claudicatio Intermittens) Aterosclerosi delle Arterie Renali Dilatazioni e Aneurismi dell’Aorta Addominale Arteriopatie del distretto Iliaco

Common conditions covered by a Cardiovascular Test

Arrhythmias Aorta disease Marfan syndrome Congenital heart disease Coronary artery disease Deep vein thrombosis Heart muscle disease (cardiomyopathy)

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Cardiovascular Test FAQs

We undergo a lot of stress in our lives, and cardiac health is always throughout our life at risk, especially for men. The heart is an organ made up of cardiac tissue that works nonstop throughout life, ensuring that blood is supplied adequately throughout the body. Cardiac function tests are essential if someone develops blood vessel disorders, blood pressure or if a person is prone to cardiac health problems in the future.

Cardiac tests can provide information about the function of the heart, its valves and other hemodynamic parameters that can aid in drug therapy specific to the patients' condition. It also helps in making clinical decisions about drug therapy in the case of chronic disease patients.

Blood samples are sent for a troponin test, which measures the levels of troponin T or troponin I proteins in the blood. These proteins are increased when there is damage to heart tissue. These can also help determine the severity of the condition.

Read more on ECG Test

ECG Test - what is it and how the test is done

The heart is a powerful muscular organ that never stops working. It goes on and on, pumping blood throughout the day and night, and makes sure to always keep your body organs oxygenated and richly...

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These details have been last updated on 11/10/22