Allergy Test

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Patch Test in Morciano di Romagna

Poliambulatorio Exis - Centro Medico Fisioterapico e Riabilitativo

Via Roma, 7, 47833 Morciano di Romagna RN, Italia


Opening Hours
07:30 – 21:00
07:30 – 21:00
07:30 – 21:00
07:30 – 21:00
07:30 – 21:00
07:30 – 13:30

Allergy Test Poliambulatorio Exis - Centro Medico Fisioterapico e Riabilitativo

Get a Patch Test (Allergies Test) in Morciano di Romagna with Poliambulatorio Exis - Centro Medico Fisioterapico e Riabilitativo.

Find out about the cost and other information on this page and contact Poliambulatorio Exis - Centro Medico Fisioterapico e Riabilitativo directly to book an Allergy Test.

L’Allergologia è la branca specialistica che si occupa della prevenzione, della diagnosi e del trattamento delle allergie, patologie immunitarie caratterizzate da ipersensibilità verso particolari sostanze, ed anche delle malattie ad esse correlate. Alcuni esempi delle più note patologie: asma bronchiale, rinocongiuntivite, orticaria, dermatiti (da contatto in ambiente domestico o lavorativo), eczemi, reazioni avverse ai farmaci e punture da insetti. In Exis il Dott. Sergio Pasotti, di chiara fama, si occupa di effettuare tutti i test e le valutazioni necessarie a definire una diagnosi allergica e provvederne alla cura ed al trattamento anche con vaccinazione. È possibile richiedere: Visita Allergologica Patch Test – Test Epicutanei per le Allergie da Contatto Prick Test – Test Cutanei per Allergie Alimentari e Respiratorie Prelievi Citologici per la Diagnosi delle Rinopatie Allergiche e non Diete ad Esclusione per Allergie a Coloranti, Conservanti, Glutine, Nickel, etc Vaccino

Common conditions covered by an Allergies Test

Peanut allergy Seafood allergy Pollen allergy Mold allergy Pet dander allergy

Allergy Test testing locations nearby

Patch Test FAQs

One in three people is allergic to common allergens that may be present in our environment and foodstuff. Every person's response to an allergen (anything that causes allergy) can be different. Therefore, it is essential to carry out an allergy panel test to know the triggers and better control that situation by preparing in advance to prevent accidental exposure to allergens.

Allergy is primarily due to genetic factors and environmental factors. It can develop at any age; however, it is mainly noted in the early 20s of a person. Substances such as house dust mites, animal/pet dander, spices, peanuts, and drugs like penicillin can cause allergies.

Yes, sometimes anti-allergy drugs are prescribed according to the patient's symptoms, whether there is skin itching, hives, cough or sneezing like in asthma.

Read more on Allergy Test

Allergy Test - what is it and how the test is done

The environment around us is not as clean and pure as it should be. Knowing this, we all should understand that not all of us are the same and that our bodies react and perceive differently to diff...

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These details have been last updated on 11/10/22